arranged by SiGi for
Description :
this small package contains basically all important tools and instructions for converting, editing and creating vehicles and tracks for GTR2 (and also for other simulations).
The most important tool here is 3DSimED, with which you can import, edit and export many vehicles and tracks from other games. A current 20-day test version is included, which you can also download directly from the developer website. The tool costs around €30, but it’s worth every penny – you won’t find a better one.
Also very important for GTR2 is the GEditor to pack/unpack textures and GMT files from/into .gtr format.
A good editor is also very helpful and time-saving, with which you can replace multiple entries with one command (e.g. in car files) without having to edit them individually. Here I recommend the free tool Notepad++ which has a “search and replace” function – the latest version can be found here.
Since most games mainly use DDS textures and you can edit them best with Photoshop, I also included the appropriate dds plugin, since older Photoshop versions cannot open or import dds files by default.
As an alternative to Photoshop, you can also use the free graphics software GIMP. There will certainly be a dds plugin for that (I personally only use Photoshop).
If you want to go deeper into the subject to create your own vehicle or parts, I recommend the free 3D open source software Blender. You have to deal with that because 3D modeling is complex and you have many options, but you can also do a lot wrong – but there are many good tutorials and a large community that make it easier to get started.
Another very good 3D tool is the well-known ZModeler with which you can, among other things, map textures and reduce polygons. I added a current 15 Trial Version for testing (32 and 64 bit).
I also included a few tutorials, which should be interesting for beginners (but also experienced). Some are in German (because that’s my mother tongue), but you can easily translate them with a translator.
Furthermore, there are also many helpful modding threads from the unfortunately no longer existing nogripracing forum, but fortunately it can still be accessed online via the web archive : nogripracing
The page takes some time to load, but a lot of content can still be accessed.
A little tip:
if you find something interesting, simply save the page in your browser (e.g. in Firefox using “File – Save Page As”).
So you can call up the page offline on your device without delay – but remember that you have to save each page individually, i.e. if you call up a new page online, you have to save it again.
now to the content of this bundle :
– 3DSimeED v3.2c by Dave Noonan (20-Day Trial Version)
– DDS Converter
– ENG-Calculator v2.02 by Dschaensn (exel file to create engine files)
– GEditor 0.35 by inconnu (required to pack/unpack files in GTR2)
– GRB-Calculator v1.0 by IJerichoI and Rob (exel file to create gearboxes)
– GTL2GTR2 Converter v0.9.0.1 by –jogi– (a simple GTL to GTR2 Converter)
– GTR2 CAR Selector v1.03 by Vince Klortho (select and store individual car lists)
– Hexplorer v2.6c by Marcin Dudek (HEX Editor to edit rain and dirtscreens)
– Nvidia dds Photoshop Tools (includes dds plugin to open and save dds files in PS)
– PLR File Editor v1.10.4 by Skridge
– rFactor MAS Extractor (required to pack/unpack files in rFactor and other ISI Games based on gMotor)
– Toms Driver Shop v1.0 by tomdoyle1948 (create or edit driver .rcd files)
– Toms Engine Shop v1.2 by tomdoyle1948 (edit tool for engine files)
– Toms Showroom Tech Specs v1.11 by tomdoyle1948 (tech specs generator for showroom infos)
– Toms Talent Scout v1.21 by tomdoyle1948 (talent files manager)
– ZModeler v3.2.1 by Oleg Melashenko (15-Day Trial Version)
– Creating GTR2 Rain Reflection Objects by Dave Noonan (3DSimED Developer, english)
– Fahrzeuge-Car-Painting-Tutorial (german)
– GPL to GTL track conversion tutorial by Steve [dB] Dienes (english)
– GPL to rFactor track conversion tutorial by Steve [dB] Dienes (english)
– Mapping with – mappen mit ZModeler (german)
– Modding Tutorial and FAQ v0.91 by Rictus Grin (english)
– Netkar Pro Skinning Tutorial (english)
– Nr2k3 to GTR2 track conversion tutorial by Dave Noonan (3DSimED Developer, english)
– rFactor Cars to GTR2 or GTL v0.01 Tutorial by LkwFan (english)
– rFactor Tracks for GTR2 and GTL by RacerM (english)
– Sound Editing by DucFreak (english from nogrip forum)
– ZModeler2 für Anfänger (german)
– ZModeler verständlich gemacht (german)
for more infos read the included ReadMe.txt files.
happy modding
Thanks! This tools and tutorials will be very helpful.
i sense the echo of an empty room… ;/
Frage: Kannst du evtl . einen Track von rf2 nach GTR2 / GTL convertieren!? Und auch einen von AC nach GTR2 / GTL!? Danke für eine Antwort.